Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Genesis 30:25-31:21

Genesis 30:25-31:21

After the birth of Joseph, Jacob prepared to head back to the Promised Land, as he had been instructed by Isaac and Rebekah. But before he left, Laban asked that he remain with him, for he knew that he had been blessed by Jacob’s presence. As promised, God continued to bless Jacob, even while he was living in the land with Laban. As a result, Laban had received part of that blessing. But before Jacob left, Laban asked what he could give him in the way of thanks. Jacob declined any gift, but later said that he would take Laban’s speckled and spotted livestock as payment. Laban agreed to these terms initially, but he once again tricked Jacob. After agreeing to the deal, he secretly sent those very lambs out to his sons, not allowing Jacob to have them. Whether it was out of fear that he would no longer be blessed when Jacob left or out of sheer deceit is uncertain, but Laban once more showed his true nature when he tricked Jacob upon his departure.

But Jacob did not let that setback hinder him. Instead, he bred his lambs and sheep so that he could have his own flock distinct from that of Laban’s. God blessed him and aided him in this process, and once more Jacob became far richer than Laban and anyone in the surrounding area. God’s plan was beginning to unfold as he had blessed Jacob with many children and great riches and was now leading him back to the Promised Land.

But the journey home was not easy for Jacob and his family. The primary reason that he had to head back was because of Laban’s resentment toward Jacob. After tricking Jacob out of the livestock that he had promised, God blessed Jacob with more. Laban and his sons then responded out of jealousy (much like Leah and Rachel had done previously), wanting to harm Jacob. Yet God was still in control, and He protected Jacob from Laban’s reproach. Through a dream, God spoke with Jacob, giving him clear instructions on how to regain the flock that he had been promised. He then gave him instructions on heading back to his homeland, back to Isaac and Rebekah. Jacob told Leah and Rachel all that the Lord had commanded, and he explained how he was going to follow the Lord’s instructions. Jacob was finally beginning to come around, understanding the importance in walking in obedience to the Lord. His influence was also beginning to rub off on his family, for Leah and Rachel did not hesitate to agree, saying that since the Lord had commanded it, they should go. Jacob immediately prepared to head out, sending all of his possessions ahead of him. He then prepared for his family to leave, having to trick Laban in the process so that Laban would not know that they were actually fleeing without him knowing.

Jacob received a clear set of instructions, through a dream. Today, I do not know of anyone who has had such a dream from God. I think that this causes many of us to wonder how we are to discern God’s will for our lives. How do we know what we are to do next? I faced this problem on deciding where to go to college, but God gradually began opening doors in my life that showed me the way. He did not speak audibly or in a dream, showing me Union, but He did start giving me small signs in my everyday life. Now I face a new challenge, figuring out which seminary to go to this Fall. Will God tell me in a dream? Maybe. Will He open up doors and give me signs along the way? Maybe. I do not know how God will show me this time around, but I do know that when we stay in His word and follow Him daily, He will take care of us. The Christian life is one of obedience, and God will help us know where to go every step of the way.


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