Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Genesis 39-40

Genesis 39-40

From the time that Joseph enters Egypt it is obvious that the Lord is with him. God promises believers that He will never leave them, and that is true during our best days and our worst trials. Being sold by his brothers and shipped off to Egypt would have been one of Joseph’s worst parts in his life. However, God stayed with him and made sure that Joseph grew from this tough situation. Because of Joseph’s faithfulness to God in these tough times, God blessed Joseph. Joseph’s lifestyle reflected God and all He stood for, and this was not unknown to Potiphar, Joseph’s master. Potiphar recognized Joseph’s commitment and God’s presence, and as a result knew that he could trust Joseph. So he made Joseph the highest of slaves and allowed Joseph to have control over everything in his life, knowing that it would be taken care of. For Joseph’s sake, God also blessed the house of Potiphar during this time.

Even in the face of temptation Joseph did not falter in his commitment to the Lord. After some time, Potiphar’s wife made advances on Joseph, seeking an intimate relationship. Yet Joseph knew that although Potiphar had placed Joseph over his entire household, his wife was off limits. Joseph wanted to respect those boundaries as to not disobey his master or his Lord. He was also not afraid to make his intentions clear to her, standing firmly on his convictions. But despite Joseph’s character, Potiphar’s wife attempted to tear down his reputation. At a time when Joseph fled her presence in order to escape the temptation, she twisted the situation and told Potiphar that he had forced himself upon her. This illustrates that even when we remain faithful to our convictions, others can cause us even more problems. What is important is how we react to the lies, gossip, and blackmail.

Potiphar ended up throwing Joseph in prison, sticking by his wife. Even after all Joseph had done for him and how Joseph had proven what he believed in and stood on, Potiphar questioned his character. Typically our reputation can mean a lot, and people will not fall for these attacks on our good character. But there are times, such as this, when nothing we say will matter. It is at those times that we must decide how we will react. Will we continue to stand by what we believe despite the consequences or deny our beliefs just to get by? For Joseph, denial was not an option. Although he was thrown in prison, he continued to be blessed. He continued to work hard, just as he had done in Potiphar’s house, and he eventually found great favor in his prison master. He was promoted over all the prisoners, and his master never had to worry about those under Joseph. Because of his continued faithfulness, even in the face of adversity, God continued to bless and protect Joseph.

At times it is unclear why things happen in our lives, and for Joseph he had to wonder why he had been sold into slavery and why God had now allowed him to be thrown into prison. But despite his questions he continued to work hard knowing that one day he would understand God’s plans. Genesis 40 begins to reveal why God had allowed Joseph to experience these trials. After Pharaoh threw two of his highest officers into prison, they had two separate dreams that they did not understand. Joseph, being a man of God, was allowed (by God) to interpret these dreams for them. For the cupbearer, Joseph predicted that he would be restored to his position in three days, but as for the chief baker, Joseph predicted that he would be hung in three days. Joseph made it clear that God was the one who allowed him to interpret these dreams, and even asked that the cupbearer remember him when he got out of prison. But after those three days, when the cupbearer returned to his position and the chief baker was hung, the cupbearer did not mention Joseph to the Pharaoh. As a result, Joseph remained in prison.

This could have easily been another time for Joseph to deny his faith and turn away from God. But instead, Joseph continued to serve the Lord, even in prison. After all that Joseph had been through, it is obvious that he had a great faith in God. The question is what would we do in that very situation? We all face tough times in life, for none of us are immune from them. But do we praise God in those tough times and continue to serve Him in the midst of them? Or do we curse God, questioning His ways, and turn away from Him? Although it is never easy, we should do as Joseph did in Egypt. God may allow us to go through some tough situations in life, but just as He promised Joseph, He has promised us that He will never leave us. We can always depend on Him in the midst of life’s storms.


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