Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Election is Coming

November 4 does not seem to be that far away finally. I do not know about you, but I am tired of all the election coverage. It is always interesting when it first starts, but it seemed as if it started too early this go around. The primaries almost burnt me out back in the spring. But that was just the start of this very important decision we all have to now make. The primaries gave us 2 candidates to choose from, and now we must decide who is the better choice for the country.

Everyone has their own opinion, and they probably have good reasons for choosing the candidate that they support. I am not going to tell you who I am voting for, although if you know me, you know who I am choosing. But I too have my reasons for choosing the candidate that I fell would best lead our country. So with just a little less than 20 days left before the election, consider a few things.
  • Decide who you feel is best qualified and would be the best leader.
  • Do not vote on party lines just because that is the way you have always done it. Vote on which person is the best for the job.
  • Think of the problems we are currently facing, and determine who might be able to help us through those trying times.
  • Think about the future, 2-3 years from now, when this current crisis is old news, and base your opinion on that as well.

What I am saying is do not vote off of tradition or out of fear. You need to think about the future of our country and not just the present troubles. This is never an easy decision, and it should not be made lightly. So think hard about who you feel is best qualified. But the most important advice I would give you is to vote. It is our duty to vote, and we need to go to the polls and make our choice known.


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