Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Numbers 17-18

Numbers 17-18

To settle all of the grumblings and attempts at overthrowing Moses and Aaron, God develops a way to prove that they are chosen. For Aaron, God asks that every tribe’s leader bring a staff to the tabernacle, Aaron would represent Levi. They would leave the staffs there for one night, and whichever staff budded over night would be the one that God had chosen. So the tribes agree and go through the process. The next day, they find that Aaron’s staff is the one that has budded. Then finally, for the first time since their rebellion, they understand what is about to happen. They see that Aaron is indeed the one who had been chosen from among them, and they also understand the fate that they face. They realize that what God told them about never entering the Promised Land was reality, and they were just going to have to deal with it.

How many times do we put God to the test in this way? We read His word, or hear His commands from other, but we do not let them change the way in which we live. We hear of possible consequences for our actions (it was a sure consequence for the Israelites), but we do not let that affect the way in which we live. We continue to rebel against God or try to figure out a way around His consequences. We must learn from the Israelites not to put God to the test in this way. Maybe there is a situation you are currently in, and you have not yet reached the dangerous consequences it could bring. Take it from the Israelites to turn back to God before it is too late. Do not wait too long, or you may endure similar consequences. Now of course, as Christians, there is still forgiveness (for God has indeed covered all sins you will commit if you truly are a Christian). But be careful not to use that as a crutch. First make sure that you are a Christian and use that situation to evaluate your life.

God then lays out the duties for the priests (those with Aaron) and the Levites (whom Aaron represents). Numbers 18 is primarily a listing of what they are to do with the different offerings and sacrifices brought to the tabernacle. It is not really a repeat of laws previously mentioned. It basically further clarifies what the duties are, urging the priests to follow them correctly. One obvious reason to follow these commands is to remain obedient to God, which God calls everyone to. But by following the commands, they were also receiving their inheritance, their part of God’s promise to Israel. Whereas the other tribes would receive the land, once they arrived in it, the tribe of Levi would inherit the priesthood and all that came with it. Their food and supplies would come from the offerings brought to the tabernacle. God would sustain them through their service to Him.

This discussion about the priests and Levites roles shows God’s provision for His people. However, just because in this instance it shows that provision being primarily through wealth, do not get the idea that wealth is the only way in which God provides or blesses His children. One thing I really learned last weekend was the fact that we are never promised to be wealthy just because of our obedience. God’s provision for our lives may come through wealth, but it may also come through having just enough to survive (God meeting our basic needs), or it may come through some type of suffering (where we see God working in our lives, providing protection). Remember that Jesus never promised that we would be wealthy if we followed Him. In fact, He was quoted on many occasions as to saying that we must give up everything to follow Him. So when you read that God provided for someone, do not immediately jump to thinking about being provided for monetarily, because although it may include being financially stable, it may not. God may provide for us in some other way. But one thing is for certain, for the children of God, obedience to His commands is evidence that He lives in us, and we can be assured of our eternal possessions.


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