Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

I have either sent you a message through facebook, or you have received an e-mail from me recently. Now you are probably wondering, why does Matt have a blog and why did he let me know? Well the reason I am starting this blog is to keep people up-to-date with what is going on in my life. Since the tornado, I have felt bad that I have not stayed in touch with many different people. I did reply to everyone who either text me, called me, facebooked me, or e-mailed me. But I wish that I had more time so that I could have let you know what is going on now. So if I have not gotten in touch with you anymore, I am truly sorry. However, I really do want you to know how much I am thankful for all of your prayers during these last 2 months.

So why start a blog? Well other than what I stated above, there are a few more reasons:

1) I want to have a place where I can weekly update people on what is going on in my life. This will be a place where I can let you know how life is going and also what God is doing.

2) Also about once a week, I want to review books. I find myself always recommending books to people. So this will be a place where I can review a book I have either recently read, or one that is one of my favorites. I will be posting one soon about Dead Heat.

3) My final reason is so that I can share my thoughts on sometimes random, and sometimes pressing topics or issues I am facing. If there is something in the news or from class that interests me, I may post about it on here.

I will do my best to keep this updated. Like I said, I find that I am bad about not e-mailing people. So hopefully through this, I can keep it updated, and you will know what is going on. Now I will continue to try to e-mail people (if I have promised to do so), but I will probably be just as bad at it as I have been. But if you ever need anything you can always text, e-mail, facebook, or call me.

Well I guess that about wraps it up for my first post. I know that I did not let you know much about what is going on, but that would make this post really long. So within the week, I will give you an update from Union University and my life. I will also be telling you what I think of Joel Rosenberg's latest novel, Dead Heat.

Until then, I hope everything goes well with everyone,



Linds said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm looking forward to reading your stuff :)

Gavin Breeden said...

hey matt! i like the blog. its a great idea. you can sharpen your writing skills and keep others informed of the goings-on in your life. its win-win!

you mentioned being bad about emailing people in the post. which reminded me that i did not reply to your last email. wow...your blog is already convicting me and i've only read it once!

well, thats all in jest, but sorry for not responding. i look forward to reading this blog in the future. i've already subscribed to it on google reader which is the way everyone should read blogs. check out our family blog by clicking my name.